As Interim Dean of Students in the University, Mike Hayes works with senior leaders across the institution to develop and promote opportunities for students’ intellectual, professional, and personal growth and to provide co-curricular support as students pursue their programs of study and prepare for post-graduate life. He works closely with the provost; vice provosts; and deans of students in the College, graduate divisions, and professional schools to identify and attend to areas of mutual concern as they relate to the quality and impact of campus life at the University of Chicago.
Mike has direct responsibility for departments and service areas that focus on student life and support. These include student wellness, disability services, student leadership and involvement, athletics and recreation, international affairs, spiritual life, residential and dining services, disciplinary affairs, and student emergency response systems. He also oversees programs and offices that deliver campus-wide services and programs, including the University Registrar, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, International House, and Student Centers.
Mike has spent more than 30 years working with and for college students in various capacities. Prior to joining Campus and Student Life, he served in student affairs roles at Miami University (OH), DePauw University, Cornell University, the University of Maryland, and Washington University in St. Louis. He earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Indiana State University.