Associate Director
Tiana Pyer-Pereira is an Associate Director in the Office of the Provost, where she is responsible for developing programs related to the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative and faculty recruitment. She also supports programming and recruitment for the Neubauer Family Assistant Professors Program and the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellows Program.
Before joining the Office of the Provost in 2017, Tiana worked as a research manager at the University of Chicago Survey Lab, where she oversaw the day-to-day operations of survey research projects, including data collection, questionnaire development, and supervision of junior research staff.
Tiana received a master’s degree in social sciences from the University of Chicago with a concentration on linguistic anthropology and a bachelor’s degree in English and linguistics with a concentration in creative writing from Swarthmore College.
Outside work, Tiana is a performing member of the Ho Etsu Taiko drumming ensemble. She enjoys poetry, crossword puzzles, and chocolate croissants.
Content Areas
Diversity and Inclusion
Faculty Recruitment