Please note that this program is now closed for the 2024-25 fiscal year. The allotted funds for this program have been exhausted. We apologize for the inconvenience. We anticipate reopening the program in July 2025 should funding resources be available.
Assistant professors, associate professors, and professors are eligible for a grant to defray incremental, out-of-pocket expenses incurred for dependent care while traveling for work activities such as attending professional conferences and workshops or conducting research.   
For purposes of this program, dependents are typically defined as children or parents for whom the faculty member is the primary caregiver. Questions about the coverage of other individuals may be discussed with Dillan Siegler. Covered expenses include dependent care (providing, not supplementing) at home, the cost of transporting the dependent and/or the caregiver to the meeting, and/or on-site dependent care at the event. A one-time maximum grant of $1,000 is available per academic year. These grants are considered taxable income and will be paid through the payroll system. 
In order to be eligible for the Travel Grant Program, you must fulfill each of these criteria:  
  1. You are an assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. 
  1. Your dependent care needs are incurred as a result of attending a professional conference, seminar, meeting, or workshop, or as a result of travel to conduct research.  
  1. You are the primary caregiver for this dependent (a dependent is typically defined as a child or parent). 
Grant requests must be made at least one week in advance of the event. Once all receipts have been submitted, reimbursement will be received as part of the next monthly payroll.
Within 14 days of returning from your travel, you must submit the associated travel and dependent care receipts and you will receive reimbursement in the next payroll. Please submit receipts to: 
Dillan Siegler
Associate Provost | Faculty Life Contact