The Scholars at Risk Committee at the University of Chicago was established by Provost Ka Yee C. Lee in 2022.
The Scholars at Risk Committee is appointed by the Provost and is tasked with making recommendations to the Provost regarding possible actions, including appointments, to support scholars at risk who are “suffering grave threats to their lives, liberty, and well-being,” whether those scholars are identified by the Scholars At Risk network or independently. The Committee shall review the details of individual cases as needed and is empowered to work with deans of Divisions and Schools at the University to assist them in their making appropriate appointment recommendations for temporary research and teaching positions. The Committee may also make referrals to Scholars At Risk for their consideration.
In addition to its ongoing work to support scholars affected by conflict around the world, the Scholars at Risk committee will support up to eight one-year appointments for scholars who are impacted by the conflict in Gaza; the committee has and will continue to solicit advice and nominations from faculty with expertise to identify and support scholars who are impacted by the conflict, but also invites all faculty to nominate appropriate scholars.
The Provost will appoint the members of the committee upon invitation, and a chair to the committee. A member of the Office of the Provost will serve ex officio. The number of members of the committee may vary but, including the ex officio member, will initially be four.
Terms of Service
An appointment to the committee is typically for a three (3) year term, with extensions possible.
Committee Members
- Kathleen Cavanaugh, Committee Chair, Pozen Family Center for Human Rights (appointed 2022)
- Scott Gehlbach, Department of Political Science, and Harris School of Public Policy (appointed 2024)
- Aziz Huq, Law School (appointed 2022)
- Jason Merchant, ex officio, Office of the Provost, and Humanities Division (appointed 2022)
To contact the Committee, please email
For frequently asked questions regarding the Scholars at Risk program at the University of Chicago, please visit: