Report of the Provost’s Oversight Committee on Online Learning

In 2013, Provost Thomas Rosenbaum appointed the Provost’s Oversight Committee on Online Learning (POCOL) and charged them with: (1) overseeing the University’s first forays into online learning over a two year period; and (2) based on knowledge gained during this period, making recommendations for the University’s future utilization of, and participation in, online learning. To fulfill its charge, the committee oversaw the production of five Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) by faculty members in Booth, PSD, BSD, SSD, and Law.

The Future of the Arts at the University of Chicago

Convened in 2000 by then-Provost Geoffrey Stone, the Arts Study Group spent a year evaluating arts offerings on campus to determine the University’s existing capacities and ongoing needs. The outcome of these deliberations was the 2001 Future of the Arts report, which called for a stronger embrace of practicing faculty artists, more arts leadership, and a new performing arts center.

A Report of the University of Chicago Committee on the Criteria of Academic Appointment (Shils Report)

On 15 July 1970, The Committee on the Criteria of Academic Appointment was appointed by President Edward H. Levi. This Committee was charged with writing a report that would become the basis for evaluating faculty up for promotion. Understanding this report allows for a clearer understanding of the University itself.