Memo from the Subcommittee on Roles, Responsibilities, and the Monitoring of Teaching of the Committee on Graduate Student Teaching

Memo from the Subcommittee on Roles, Responsibilities, and the Monitoring of Teaching of the Committee on Graduate Student Teaching to Provost Rosenbaum with recommendations on work expectations for graduate student teachers and the nature of departmental grievance procedures.

Report of the Pedagogical Training Subcommittee of the Provost's Committee on Graduate Student Teaching

This report encapsulates the recommendations of the Pedagogical Training Subcommittee, which believes strongly that training all graduate students in the skills necessary to be effective teachers should be an integral part of graduate education, and it should be a priority for maintaining the University’s high academic standards for undergraduates. 

Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on University Faculty Compensation Practices

In February 2010, Provost Rosenbaum asked faculty members to serve on an ad hoc committee to review university faculty compensation practices. The charge to the committee was: 1. What are the appropriate factors to consider as we seek to reward our colleagues in accord with our ideals of outstanding scholarship, teaching and citizenship? and 2. Would schools and divisions benefit from more formal processes, or articulated guidelines, with respect to salary setting?