Final Report of the Committee to Review the College and Divisional Structure

In response to a recommendation from the deans of the College and the Social Sciences Division, Humanities Division, and Physical Sciences Division, the Norman Committee was charged in April of 2016 to evaluate the University’s academic administrative structures relating to their divisions and the College. This report contains the results of the committee’s exploration of possible alternatives for maintaining the benefits of the current structure and recommended changes to resolve existing obstacles and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Report of the Committee on University Discipline for Disruptive Conduct

In May 2016, a faculty committee was established to review and make recommendations about procedures for student disciplinary matters involving disruptive conduct, particularly interference with freedom of expression, inquiry and debate. The committee, chaired by Randal C. Picker, the James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law, was asked to review and recommend revisions to the University-wide procedures for disruptive conduct and provide advice on educational programming for students on the rights and responsibilities conferred by freedom of expression.

Student Disciplinary Procedures Recommendations

This committee, consisting of faculty, students, and staff, was appointed to consider four specific student disciplinary questions: How ought the University to handle discipline of groups? While ensuring compliance with Federal law, to what extent and under what circumstances may the individual alleging a violation occurred be involved in and apprised of the disciplinary process and its outcome? Should sexual assault cases be heard by a central disciplinary committee? If yes, should domestic violence complaints be heard by that centralized structure, too?

Report of the Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Dissent and Protest

The Provost established this committee in Winter Quarter, 2013. His charge to the Committee is reproduced in Appendix I. The committee was established in the aftermath of demonstrations at the Center for Care and Discovery that led to arrests and disciplinary actions against demonstrators and allegations of misconduct against the University of Chicago Police Department. The events surrounding those demonstrations were addressed by a separate investigation and report, and those specific events are not the subject of this Committee’s work.