The University’s continued excellence depends on the quality of our faculty.
All faculty at the University of Chicago must have a distinguished record in research, teaching, and training (including the supervision of graduate students), contribution to the intellectual community, and service when being considered for promotion, according to the Shils Report, produced in July 1970 by the Committee on the Criteria of Academic Appointment appointed by University President Edward H. Levi. Every appointment, reappointment, and promotion must be solidly grounded in actual accomplishment which, when coupled with evidence of future promise, gives rise to a strong likelihood that the candidate will bring continued and increasing distinction to the University over the entire course of the candidate’s academic career here. These principles guide University departments, divisions, and schools in evaluating faculty for promotion and/or tenure.
Academic Recruitment and Career Systems (ARCS)
The Academic Recruitment and Career Systems supports academic hiring, promotion, and activity. 
Academic Communicators Network
Developed in partnership between the Office of the Provost and University Communications, the Academic Communicators Network (ACN) helps University faculty enhance their capacity to communicate effectively with external audiences.
Department Chair Handbook
Department chairs collaborate with deans to maintain and enhance the highest standards of scholarly excellence and set intellectual, academic, and curricular priorities within their departments.
Emeriti Faculty
The Office of the Provost, in collaboration with emeriti faculty, works to develop new resources and engagement opportunities for current and future emeriti, and to address issues impacting the emeriti community.
Faculty Awards and Recognition
The University's distinguished faculty members often are recognized for their outstanding achievements and contributions to society. The Office of the Provost partners with deans and department chairs to identify and nominate faculty for national and international awards, fellowships, and limited opportunities. 
Faculty Development Program
The Faculty Development Program provides the University’s scholars with information, workshops, and events to further their academic career. 
Neubauer Family Assistant Professors Program
The Neubauer Family Assistant Professors Program supports up to 20 tenure-track appointments for up to 20 early-career scholars who demonstrate exceptional promise.
Office of Dual Careers and Faculty Relocation
The Office of Dual Careers and Faculty Relocation provides resources and support for new and prospective faculty and their partners to help with successful relocation to the Chicago area.
Provost's Postdoctoral Fellows Program
As part of the University's commitment to increasing the diversity of its faculty, the Provost's Postdoctoral Fellows Program provides up to two years of funding for the highest caliber junior early career scholars from diverse backgrounds. 
Stopping the Clock
The Office of the Provost provides an opportunity for all tenure-track faculty members to stop the tenure review process for a year when they become parents through childbirth or adoption. This policy applies to both women and men and includes same-sex, registered domestic, or civil union partners.
University Professors
A very select group of professors have been selected for internationally recognized eminence in their fields as well as for their potential for high impact across the University.