Feedback about their experiences in a course from students can provide valuable information to the instructor or Teaching Assistant to improve or maintain elements of the course. This feedback is also useful to other students and colleagues.
The feedback forms are published for the University of Chicago community, and require a CNET ID to access.
Feedback is useful only if it is honest; it should be constructive, informative, and to the point. The University reviews feedback before publishing it. Content that falls outside of the scope of commentary on the course may be subject to editing or removal. In addition, responses containing any of the following will be flagged and may be subject to editing or removal:
  • Obscene or inappropriate language (swear words, sexually explicit comments, etc.)

  • Comments that defame or libel an individual

  • Comments that mention other students by name

  • Threats

  • Allegations of reportable offenses

    • The University is committed to taking necessary action to prevent, correct, and, where indicated, discipline unlawful discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. If a response mentions or alleges reportable offenses, the review will not be posted and will be shared with the appropriate office so that the complaint may be investigated. The student who posted the initial review may be contacted for additional information.

Course Feedback Reports are available to view on the University Registrar’s website under Course Feedback.