The Office of the Provost leads and consults on projects designed to improve administrative systems and services that support academic work.  The Office of the Provost and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer share quarterly updates on these and related efforts. Below are the most recent messages on administrative modernization:
  • Winter 2023 (links to UChicago Intranet, which requires CNET ID and password)
  • Autumn 2022 (links to UChicago Intranet, which requires CNET ID and password)
  • Spring 2022 (links to UChicago Intranet, which requires CNET ID and password)
  • Winter 2022 (links to UChicago Intranet, which requires CNET ID and password)
  • Autumn 2021 (links to UChicago Intranet, which requires CNET ID and password)