The Office of the Provost is charged with academic planning on behalf of the institution and its constituents. Space and budgeting, as related to strategic initiatives and faculty research, are central to this charge. It is through integrated space planning that our campus and facilities, the largest capital investment an academic institution makes, advance the academic and research mission of the University.
The Office of the Provost works with University leadership to support the formulation and assessment of ideas for new facilities as well as the renovation of existing buildings for more efficient distribution and use. The Provost’s Office also closely monitors space utilization across campus and partners with Facilities Services to maintain accurate building and (class)room inventories of space in and around campus.
For questions regarding space allocations for strategic initiatives, please contact Vice Provost Michael Hopkins. For questions regarding academic space allocation, renovation, planning, functional improvements, and related capital support planning, please reach out to Associate Provost Josh Beck.